
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Delorean DMC-12 to see new production. Your childhood dream is now a reality.

Those of you who are old enough to actually remember the 80's definitely fantasized at least once about owning a Delorean DMC-12. The vehicle was introduced way back in 1981, but went out of production in 1983. However, due to the vehicle being featured in the Back To the Future trilogy, the car has quite the cult following. Since 1995 it has been possible to purchase a refurbished Delorean DMC-12 direct from the company for around $45,000 to $55,000.

Last month a new bill went into effect that allows small production vehicles to be made without having to worry about current highway safety standards as long as the vehicle being produced is a replica, or at least made to resemble, a car that is no less than twenty five years old. Because of this, the Delorean Motor Company expects to release 300 brand new models using a stockpile of old-new stock and OEM spec parts. Expect to pay right around $100,000 for one. But really, can you actually put a price on a childhood dream?

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