
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The newest Mercedes-Benz S600 gets the premium armor treatment

Imagine you have just fought your way got elected into the Dictatorship of your very own country. Obviously all of your constituents love and adore you, but every leader has enemies. How do you not only protect yourself when you are on the move, but also do so in absolute luxury and style? The only logical answer to that question is the new Mercedes-Benz S600 with factory armor and bullet proofing. Mercedes-Benz now offers VR10 armoring on it's flagship vehicle. What the heck does that mean, you ask? Most armor is rated for small arms and rifle fire. VR10 is rated to stop a steel core assault rifle round! This protection applies to the windows as well.

As was the case with the first Guard model S class from the 90's, this latest version was designed from the frame up with the ability to add in the armor. This fact alone is what ensures that you will be comfortable in you rolling fortress. Aramid composite armor elements and anti-splintering polycarbonate layers for the inner windows are just a couple of new technologies and materials that Mercedes used. They also managed to carve out a few extra inches of rear passenger leg room by sacrificing some trunk space. After all you being able to sit comfortably in the rear of your car is of paramount importance.

So how much money would you have to divert from your countries coffers to buy one of these beauties? Not as much as you may think. The Mercedes-Benz S600 BRV (Bullet Resistant Vehicle) will only cost you around $500,000. However if you want to upgrade to the S600 Pullman Limousine then you can expect to pay around double that amount.

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