
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Wouldn't it be awesome if your ATV could take to the skies as well?

Well look no further because now it can.

The SkyRunner MK 3.2 will do just that. Using a Rotax engine, lightweight construction, and a ram-air parafoil wing the MK 3.2 will reach speeds up to 70 MPH on the ground and 55 MPH in the air. It's top cruising altitude is 10,000 feet so you can definitely get some sightseeing done in one of these.

While it isn't a switch on the fly changeover, converting from ground running to flight takes only a few minutes. Due to it's lightweight design the MK 3.2 has much smaller take-off and landing needs when compared to other air craft in the "sport" category. The MK 3.2 will set you back $119,000 but requires a sport pilot license to operate in the skies, so you may want to get that taken care of before writing that check.

Love it or hate it, no one can deny that the MK 3.2 looks like it would be a lot of fun. I could definitely see myself in one of these. Check out the video below of the MK 3.2 in flight.

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